
Sunday, July 26, 2020

GO Politics: What's Your Incentive to Work GOP?

There are so many things wrong during this time in the world. These things range from the pandemic, of course, to people's mental health and decision-making at this time. What has made me personally angry since the election of Trump is the delusion that has been embraced by so many so they can get what they want. The notion that, they don’t see the same things we see, type of delusion, that has been embraced by the GOP and many Republican leaders in the U.S. I know I’m not the only one that has been seeing this trend of, doing or saying anything to win and have control, happening with the GOP in the United States since 2016. I know that We, the Americans, did not elect Trump. That falls upon the Electoral College and the GOP. The blatant neglect of, and mismanagement of this pandemic COVID-19, falls upon the GOP. These two entities allowed this person, Trump, this stranger to politics, stranger to decency, stranger to peace, stranger to truth, into an office they shrugged their shoulders at, as if the White House, the highest office in the land, isn't important. I think the delusion started here. I think the delusion they embraced started when they supported Trump to begin with. It matters who is in the White House. Yet, they elected this man and supported him as if it doesn’t. This delusion, and other bad decisions such as, it doesn't matter who is in there nothing will change so why vote, or, let's get someone in there that's different maybe that will make things betterWell Trump is different, he came along with sexual harassment and assault allegations right on the campaign. And the GOP, with many other leaders, didn't stop the destruction. The GOP and Republican leaders let all these bad things slide because they wanted control so badly. 

Well state voters and officials gave the GOP control and they did nothing with it. All they did with this control of the House and Senate was protect Trump from accountability of all his discriminatory words, hate-filled speeches, insults, lies, rants, alleged sexual misconduct, the Russia investigation, the House impeachment, and all the nonsense he spews even today. To embrace a lie knowing it is false is pure cowardice, and the cowardice of the GOP is harming Americans, but over time it will harm them and the people around them too. 

I feel it is my, responsibility, to help you, GOP, see yourselves and to kill the rampant delusion you have embraced, so maybe you can make better decisions in this country’s future. Time and time again I see people in Trump's administration, and the GOP, tell themselves lies about the economy, the people, and this pandemic. These lies center around unemployment and sickness from the disease we’re all experiencing. Currently everyone knows that the unemployment IS so high because businesses MUST, or had to, close to STOP the spread of COVID-19. People know this, unless they decide to ignore the truth because of what they want or don't want, which is the trend of the GOP and many Republican lawmakers. On Twitter the great platform, the GOP and many leaders will hold press conferences and tweet nonsense calling for people to return to work as if nothing is wrong in this country. Saying, Americans should not be paid to stay at home and do nothing. 

I asked myself, who is getting paid to do nothing here? The GOP has access to information and control over most resources yet they do nothing to make it so businesses can re-open their doors safely. They want people to return to work but places are closed down and also are closing back down currently. They want to ignore providing people aid in unemployment payments or the stimulus, yet they want people to stay at home or quarantine. They want the doctors, physicians, medical and disease experts to get control over COVID-19, yet they don't want to listen to the facts, change based on these facts, and provide the necessary funding to get all the PPE, supplies, and testing needed to do so. 

So one must ask the GOP and Republicans; What do you want control forWhy should you have control when you have access to the truth but don't want to see the truthWhy should you have control if you choose to ignore reality, which places America in more trouble and turmoilWhy should you have control when you don't want to heed the facts and use them to help America and Americans right now

The GOP’s ideas and beliefs align with Trump's more than they will ever admit. I feel they don't like people, they don't want to help people, they would be comfortable sitting in their big expensive homes knowing that they exercise and enforce the law over a nation of the suffering, and they want to be able to do whatever they want to Americans without consequence. As much as Trump is responsible for all the things that are broken, the GOP are MORE responsible because they have been there in our House and Senate on Capitol Hill longer. They saw the destruction, the problems and issues, coming, and did nothing to stop it. They see the destruction still and do nothing right now to stop it. The COVID-19 cases continue to rise and they continue to push for things to go back to normal. They push for things to go back to normal as if this is all they have. They have no plan for dealing with the current pandemic issue nor have devised one.

Again GOP; Why does it need to be Republicans that have control in the Senate or anywhere

They have let a man threaten our Democracy by ignoring the things he does, promotes, and says. They have let the police beat people in the streets for simply protesting. They have seen people dying and bodies being stacked in U-Hauls and buried in mass graves yet they push for everyone to go back to living as if COVID-19 isn't here. 

Again one would ask the GOP; why are you in control GOPWhat possible good can you give Americans in the United States todayDo you even want to give anything to Americans at all?

And this is the thing; the GOP leaders have nothing to give. They never intended to give anything. They never had a plan. They just wanted to win. They just wanted that simple idiotic and petulant thing that Trump wanted, to just win. So they won, and all they did was sit down and be paid for doing nothing. They dismantled and destroyed programs that were in place to help Americans is the one thing they have helped happen. The GOP, including other leaders, criticize the public today for needing unemployment insurance and the stimulus, they criticize us for basically needing the means to survival in this world, money, that damn thing we all work and sacrifice so hard for every single day. Again, they say Americans shouldn't be paid to sit around and do nothing. Yet, most of the GOP,  Republicans, are trying their very best to sit in our Capitol in power, be paid, and do nothing. 

Where is the incentive for the GOP and Republican leaders to help Americans and America right nowWhere is the incentive for the GOP to come up with plans and policies that help us right now? There is none. They basically get paid to do nothing because they are doing nothing right now. Some of them are even out golfing. If anyone wanted to get the ones that aren’t doing anything off Capitol Hill, all they need to do is cut the pay. If the pay was severely slashed on Capitol Hill, they would run away like critters from a brush fire. As long as they get paid a lot of money, and get to take money from other entities, only to just to sit around and provide nothing of any benefit to everyday Americans, they will. This is what most Republicans leaders are doing right now; nothing.

So, who are the ones that need an incentive to work GOP

We have a reason to want to work GOP and to seek good paying work, which is to end dependence on the government, anyone, and especially you. What's your incentive to work?



  @toninorthern on Twitter


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